In every company there are a lot of good people with many good ideas. Concepts like open innovation and crowdsourcing are frequently talked about, but in practice a range of barriers often impede the flow of ideas. That’s exactly where I come into play. Applying my professional perspective as a consultant for design thinking, I design processes that creatively combine marketing, sales, product management, design, development and IT activities. I can help you effectively bundle your team’s ideas, knowledge and energy. In a short amount of time, you will be developing impressive innovations based on the benefits your customers are expecting.
Developing new types of features, digital products or services
Formulating a clear and consistent market message
Consolidating and differentiating a brand
Creating new types of communication media both online and offline
Preparing a convincing sales pitch
Improving teamwork between the marketing, sales and development departments
Time // You reduce the amount of time needed to develop fresh approaches and solutions. New ideas and projects get off the ground more quickly, leading to clear results.
Risk minimization // Specific solutions are evaluated in terms of feasibility and profitability using simple prototypes, without incurring expenses for costly implementations.
Market success // Innovative and creative solutions prove more successful in the market because they are designed first and foremost with users in mind.
Motivation // Creative collaboration is fun, and it promotes a team spirit and a culture of innovation.
Support // Participants play an active role, they become stakeholders. As a result, they feel responsible for the successful outcome of the project.